Fall is in the Air—Back to School

New Beginnings

This time of year always fills me with hope and anticipation.  A changing of the seasons, although summer is still clearly here, kids going back to school, my college teaching starting again.

Maybe it’s because I teach as an adjunct at a community college, but I think this feeling extends way back.  I remember when I was eighteen, my first year out of high school, feeling the hope and anticipation, the longing to go back to school, even though I hadn’t yet registered for college.  I feel this change several times a year, tied to the school calendar, in January and again in mid-May.  But in late August, it is the strongest.

I’ve started two copywriting courses recently to improve my skills, and I’ve finished one within the past month.  All of these classes are through American Writers and Artists (AWAI).  As writers, we need to keep fresh, to keep learning, to improve our skills.

Courses to expand my skills

  • Money Making Website – I’ve developed what I hope will be a very successful venture, my new website caninecancerconcerns.com . It’s still in its infancy as I continue to add pages about what I have learned after having several dogs with cancer. My goal is to have others contribute and for the website to be a go to guide with information, product referrals, and stories about different types of cancer in dogs. I know all too well the feeling of loss and confusion when your vet says, “Your dog has cancer.”
  • Web Copywriting Companion, which will improve my web writing skills for clients and for my personal blog on dogs and the environment at sandykubillus.com – Enviro-Dog.  Through this website, I plan to sell my memoir once it’s published.
  • Advanced Training, a year-long course to improve all aspects of freelance copywriting.  It involves producing copy for several clients with the possibility of being hired.

Does back to school affect you too?  What new courses are you taking?

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