Would you sign up for a Thunderstorm Anxiety Workshop for Dogs?

I surely would—and I bet many of your clients would too.  Just one or two nights of having your dog pace, tremble, or whine during a thunderstorm will make you try anything.

Cassie, my springer spaniel, would tremble with the slightest hint of thunder.  She’d pace back and forth over my legs on my bed for hours while I tried to sleep.  Some nights I just got mad and threw her in her crate so I could get some rest.  But feeling guilty, sleepless and grumpy, I tried everything to calm her, from anxiety wraps (which made her too hot), to comforting her (which I’m told reinforces the behavior), to ignoring her, and finally in desperation, to asking my vet for drugs.

springer spaniel in an anxiety shirtweater
Cassie’s anxiety wrap served as a sweater in her old age.

I’ll bet many of your clients have the same problem.  I recently read an article in Today’s Veterinary Technician about one approach to helping dogs with problems like this.  It describes a course designed to help dogs learn to focus their attention on their owners and not on loud noises or other nearby distractions.   Although this course took ten weeks to complete and required dedicated owners, the results were very positive.

Sign me up—except the course was offered in the Netherlands.

Some of the results included:

  • Satisfied dog owners who will promote the course through word of mouth, or comment on your website or Facebook page.
  • Dedicated customers
  • Media attention
  • Extra revenue
  • Happy dogs

Would periodic workshops help your veterinary clinic, pet store, grooming facility, or doggie daycare?  I’ll bet it would.  Topics of interest may include anything from house training, to behavior issues, to nutrition concerns.  Workshops could range from one hour freebies to multi-week training courses.

Possible benefits include:

  • Setting your company as the expert and primary contact for information.
  • Workshop participants visit your facility more often and may purchase more products.
  • As word spreads, your client base grows.

Kay9 Environmental can write copy to promote workshops, write case studies of successful participants, provide blog updates, and more. Please contact me at Sandy@Kay9environmental.com.


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