Dog at the beach

Attending Conferences on a Low Budget

As a small business owner there’s always too much to do and not enough time or money. How can you keep up with your market, network with your peers, and market your business at conferences on a low budget? Let me tell you a way to save a huge portion off your conference costs. I … Read more

Sandy Kubillus and her cocker, Buffy with prize basket

80% of Pets Left at Shelters are due to Behavioral Problems

You may Lose 15% of your Clients per YEAR* What Can YOU Do? Aren’t these startling statistics? Especially since the puppy buying season is almost upon us. Most people adopt a pet when the weather is warm enough to spend time outdoors. House training is easier when you can skip paper training. And of course, … Read more

Buffy at CCI DogFest


DogFest involved fundraising and a celebration of the dogs, trainers, puppy raisers and handicapped people who now own these trained dogs.

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